
Bowflex Treadclimber Tc5000 Reviews

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The Bowflex Treadclimber TC5000 is the hybrid between an elliptical trainer and a traditional treadmill. If you love the high-intensity stepper workouts, then you will find this hybrid training machine interesting. The TC5000 features a space-saving combination of the two machines. This article will take a close look on its design and key features, as well as a summary of what customers think about it.

More About the Bowflex Treadclimber TC5000

Treadclimbers have become a popular alternative for people who want to benefit from several exercises with just one machine. It looks similar to a treadmill, but the footboad is split in half and moves on hydraulics like that in an elliptical. This equipment offers a nice speed range, from 0.7 to 4mph.

It also comes with 12 resistance levels that you can easily adjust according to your workout preference. There are eight electronic functions, including calories per minute, total steps, total calories, distance, speed, climb indicator, and time.

There is also an integrated heartrate monitor. This will help you keep track of your physical capacity. Its motor is covered by a five-year warranty, while the hydraulics are protected for two years and three years for the other parts.

Its dimensions are: 46 inches long by 30 inches wide by 55.25 inches tall and weighs 185 lbs. You should expect to pay about $2,185.00 for a refurbished model on, although you can get them used for less.

Key Features

  • Dimensions: 46” long x 30” wide x 55.25” tall.
  • Weight: 185 pounds.
  • Made in the USA.
  • 12 resistance levels to choose from.
  • Speed range is from 0.7 to 4.0 miles per hour.
  • Integrated wireless heartrate monitor offers quick feedback during activity.
  • Electronic functions include distance, speed, total steps, calories per minute, time, total calories, heartrate, and climb indicator.
  • Warranty: electronics and other parts – 3 years, motor – five years, hydraulics – 2 years

How to Use the TC5000

The Bowflex Treadclimber TC5000 highlights the hydraulic cylinders that you will find at the front. These cylinders, which join the treadles to the frame, allow for pressure absorption from the steps you make during activity.

It does not only reduce the impact on your joints, but also decrease overall muscle fatigue, so you can workout longer. Each cylinder has a dial that affects the treadles’ range of movement, and you have over 12 settings to choose from. This feature will bring variety to your daily workout.

You will begin to experience deeper steps as you increase the resistance. This will allow your body to recruit more muscles, particularly from your core. Along with the treadle displacement and belt speed, you can easily determine the right workout level that will keep you feeling challenged.

Pros and Cons

Most customers were impressed by the Bowflex Treadclimber TC5000’s ability to give you a quality workout even in a short period of time. The wide footboards allow for comfortable strides. The LED display makes it easy for you to read and see your workout data in dim light.

The Treadclimber is more compact than the traditional elliptical and treadmill machines. Purchasing this equipment will save you more space than you can imagine. The heart rate monitor functions wirelessly so you can keep track of your heart rate during activity without having to slow down or stop. The electronic functions, meanwhile, allow you to remember your workout settings. You no longer have to set the machine all over again on your next session.

The TC5000 basically makes you do two types of exercises in one session. While it has received plenty of positive remarks, some users have reported a few drawbacks. Some users said assembling the machine may require you to ask another person for help.

The assembly may take some time, so make sure to set aside a couple of hours. In addition, the machine is quite heavy and can be difficult to transport or store. Make sure that you have already decided where you want to place the machine, so you no longer have to move it again.

The TC5o00 makes a great workout choice because of its quick results and low-impact style. This machine seems to be more expensive that the traditional treadmill and elliptical machine. However, it is a great space and time saver for people with busy schedule and limited space.




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